News comes back your cancer has spread, / so we go out to celebrate / you not being dead / yet.
Read MoreA Normal Interview with William Archila by Angelina Leaños
This is the great thing about immersing myself in the world I am creating in my work. The tropes, concepts, the culture and history, the places and characters, they all come together.
Read MoreTransplant by Yance Wyatt
our feet seized by quicksand / as the ocean breathes in and out / in and out / like one great pneumonic lung
Read MoreLEAVE ME AT THE BREAK by Benjamin Faro
Altogether we were / uncountable, and another / of us we abandoned / at the shore.
Read MorePeach Ode by Matt Poindexter
Sweet teenage goths, come back / from evening’s municipal cemeteries / and haunt the living for a minute.
Come In Go Ahead Say Again by Christopher Citro
Skies have moods. We gave these / to them. Named the rivers. Imagine that.
Two Poems by Court Castaños
An old man will watch us, openly / stare, two boys in a Nevada diner / leaning towards each other, a touch / too close.
Two Poems by Matti Powers
In a third smoke session of the night sort of way I ask him / what’s the worst thing he’s ever done. He searches me for the / fish hook, says he was unfaithful-a few times-to the first girl he / loved.
Read MoreReductionism by Liz Harms
Any moment the doctor / will knock—the wait suspenseful, caught / breath before a jump scare.
Read MoreTaxidermy Lessons by Maren Loveland
Lay the snapping turtle’s corpse / on a swarming ant hill, // return to it after the flesh / is joyously devoured.
Read MoreElegy for Aunt Kate by Nora Gupta
"The fear of Death was spoon-fed to me— / the drear of black velvet drapes // over glossy wood coffins, heartbeats swallowed / but never digested."
Read MoreMonologue for a Wild Sprouted Onion by Rita Mookerjee
"the curse of my child who you will/ bury shallow in the ground without/ a second thought"
Read MoreTwo Poems by Joel Anthony Harris
"America has never been a racist country ……………………………………… 15%"
Read MoreThree Poems by Risë Kevalshar Collins
"don’t ya know i cried when you died / i say kinfolk you ain’t dead / in me you be alive awaitin ya second comin"
Read MoreTwo Poems by Vikesh Kapoor
"I care to understand,/ upon the backs/ of mother’s hands/ who cradle the scars of eastern sunrise,/"
Read MoreA Normal Interview with Éric Morales-Franceschini by Victoria Monsivaiz
My poetry is indeed heavily indebted to my studies in history, psychoanalysis, political economy, and critical social theory; but I find that, at times, only via poetry can I adequately express the gravity and intricacy of not just a given fact, but what I should (like to) do in light of that fact.
Read MoreMissive for a Departed Soul by Haya Abu Nasser
"I wander among abandoned houses,/ asking beggars and passersby near the rubble/ if they caught sight of a stray wish meandering around."
Read MoreLaurels by Tara A. Elliott
"...arms now/ berry-covered branch/ —how awfully/ they must ache."
Read MoreTwo Poems by Laura S. Marshall
"The doctors call me ugly,/ draw over my bone structure,/ trace the routes where the/ coral will fuse."
Read MoreTwo Poems by Jane Zwart
"My dad is not making it up, but art cannot/ leave freak beauties be. He will have to add more—/ a plastic bag snagged on a sapling’s ankle—"
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