
Volume 11, Issue 2, Fall 2018

Kathy Anderson, Hairy Govinda

Karen Babine, On Nerves

Joe Bonomo, You Don't Own Me

Adam Braver, There's No One Here by that Name

Traci Brimhall, Hand Ghazal

Brooke Champagne, Exercises

Elaine Hsieh Chou, A Woman Without Origin

R.M. Cooper, The Man in the Gorilla Suit

Raphael Dagold, My Brother & I Invent 1973

Raphael Dagold, Virtue, 1969

Alana de Hinojosa, Playa de los Muertos

Alana de Hinojosa, Prayer after demolition

Margaret Everton, Come Forth, Ye Drunkards

Mckendy Fils-Aimé, An Unlucky Building After Arson

Mckendy Fils-Aimé, Recollection

Jennie Frost, Genre & Gender: Fields of Ambivalence

Emily Harnden, Ritual

Ann Hood, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Dan Kraines, Writing from the Tundra

Dan Kraines, Alt-Right

Robbie Maakestad, The Secrets of the Excavators

Patrick Madden, Unpredictable Essays

Beth Ann Miller, Cashmere

Heather Monley, Onward and Outward

Angela Morales, Junior High Diary, 1980

Sarah Navin, Oddwater

Melissa Oliveira, Berlin

Michelle Peñaloza, Tabi Tabi, Po

Jonathan Rovner, Emma Gustafson and the Case of the Mysterious Blurbist

Elizabeth Scanlon, Acceptance Speech

Leona Sevick, Dirt Move

Cameron Thomas Snyder, If the Echo Had Legs, With Whom Would It March?

Matthew Vollmer, Over the River and Through the Woods

Jerald Walker, Balling

John Walser, Naima, or Tranquil

James Jandak Wood, Grand Slam